
Labong Creek

The City of Stevenson currently draws its water supply from LaBonge Creek, Cedar Springs, and Rock Creek. These surface water withdrawals are treated by the City’s 1.0 MGD water treatment plant, constructed in 1979 as a part of a significant water system improvement project, including storage and distribution system construction. The City also holds water rights for groundwater withdrawals that are currently utilized as a backup supply. The primary groundwater source is Hegewald Well, with a 650 GPM installed production supply.

The City’s water distribution system is comprised of water mains ranging in size from 4-inch through the 16-inch diameter. Steel and ductile iron are the principal pipe materials. A limited length of PVC and asbestos cement pipe remain. For new construction, the City design standards require the installation of ductile iron pipe.

The City is served by 3 reservoirs providing approximately 0.96 million gallons of stored water.  These facilities, in turn, serve 3 pressure zones, which are further divided into sub-zones by pressure-reducing valves.