Customer Owned Water Service Line Survey

Do you have lead pipes?

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is asking all public water system users to verify what type of material their waterlines are made of. In an effort to provide the EPA with up to date information we are asking our residents to complete their survey. The results of this survey will help you, and your Public Works Department, be in compliance with the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions.  Should you wish to read up on the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions, you may click the Department of Health link here. 

Click this Youtube video for a deeper dive into how to determine what your pipes are made of. Lots of helpful information here: How To Determine What Your Waterline Is Made Of

The survey can be completed via this link: Online Survey. You may also use the QR code below to access a virtual survey.

You may also print the attached survey and mail back to us at (PO Box 371, Stevenson WA 98648) or email the completed survey to Public Works or feel free to drop it off at City Hall. We are always happy to see our residents! 

Time is of the essence, so remember to return your survey by September 20th, 2024. 

Thank You AMAZING Stevenson Residents!

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