City Hall
7121 East Loop Road
Stevenson, WA 98648
Mailing Address
PO Box 371
Stevenson, WA 98648
Phone: 509-427‑5970
After Hours: 509-427-9490
First Street Pedestrian Amenities & Overlook Project - The City of Stevenson solicits interest from consulting firms with expertise in Construction Inspection, Management, and Engineering to provide all construction inspection, management, and engineering services associated with the 1st Street Pedestrian Amenities and Overlook Project construction (CN) phase. This agreement will be for approximately six (6) months in duration (approximately April 2024 thru October 2024) with the option for the City to extend it for additional time and cost if in the best interest of the City. This project is funded, in part, by the Federal Transportation Alternatives Grant Program, and as such will be held to Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) requirements. This project is also funded by the Transportation Improvement Board through the Fuel Tax Grant Distribution fund.
The City reserves the right to amend terms of this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to circulate various addenda, or to withdraw the RFQ at any time, regardless of how much time and effort consultant have spent on their responses. This will be a Negotiated Hourly Rate contract. To check out information regarding bidding on this Construction Engineering project please go to: RFQ Bid Page
Project Description
The City, incorporated in 1908, is a rapidly growing community located in southern Skamania County, Washington, on the Columbia River. The city is in the heart of the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area, 45 minutes from Portland or Vancouver, and three and a half hours from Seattle.
In 2019 the City was awarded a grant to design vegetated curb extensions, new sidewalk, crosswalk striping, a pedestrian overlook, connection to an existing waterfront path, and streetscaping. In 2023 the City of Stevenson was awarded two grants to construct the project. The completed project will encourage traffic speed reduction, extend walkability for our downtown core, improve safety for pedestrians, and allow a safe alternative access to the City's waterfront.