For more than sixty (60) years the City of Stevenson Fire Volunteers and the Skamania County District 2 Fire Volunteers have joined together to provide fire prevention and suppression services for the protection of life and property within the City and District boundaries. Fire Chief Rob Farris is responsible for the general conduct and operation of the department. In 2014 the all volunteer department counted twenty-three (23) active volunteers. Those volunteers responded to thirty-two (32) City incidents; twenty-seven (27) District incidents and forty-three (43) mutual aid calls. An incident could include a fire response, assistance at motor vehicle collisions or assisting the Skamania County EMS on emergency medical calls. The volunteers also participated in public education events (e.g. SHS Every 15 Minutes), county wide disaster training, general fire training and special fire suppression exercises. The Fire Chief or his/her designee reviews all development plans and certain building permits for fire protection requirements.
Fire meetings and trainings are held at the fire hall every Monday beginning at 7:00 PM excluding holidays. Messages for the fire chief can be left with city hall at 509 427-5970, the main fire hall is located in Stevenson at 160 SW First Street.