Department of Emergency Services
200 Vancouver Ave
Stevenson, WA 98648
Mailing Address
PO Box 790
Stevenson, WA 98648
Phone: 509-427-8076
Fax: 509-427-7555
Office Hours
Monday-Thursday: 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM
To report a crime or note suspicious activity, call 9-1-1, even if it is not an “emergency.” It can be frightening to call 9-1-1 for emergency help, but it is important for emergency services personnel to know the information necessary in order to provide proper emergency service to those in need, and even more important, for you to stay as calm as possible to assist the 9-1-1 dispatcher.
Keep the following information on hand, and leave it where it will be immediately available in case the need to call 9-1-1 arises. It would be wise to review this information with all members of the family, especially children.
The 9-1-1 operator will need the following information when taking a report of an incident in progress (taking place at the time you call) or one that has happened prior to the call. Giving the operator this information will reduce the number of questions that have to be asked and speed police or fire response.
Additionally, if you are calling about an incident in progress, the operator will want to know if you have the ability to stall the suspect(s) until the police arrive.
There will be additional information that the operator and responding units will need to know. Remember: help is already on the way – the operator is gathering more information for the responding units.