2020 Annual Financial Report and Audit
Project consists of reviewing and adjusting transactions and accounts in 2020 as needed, completing all schedules, reviewing and submitting final report to State Auditor by 120 days after the end of the year.
Contract: WA State Auditor
Progress: 100% Complete
Budget: $23k Budgeted-Audit
Funding: General/Water/Sewer/Streets/Tourism
Planned Completion Date: August 31, 2021
Status Updates
9/23/21: The reports have been published and links can be found on the city audit report website (here) or through the State Auditors Office reporting website (here).
9/16/21: The audit has been completed and the exit conference took place on 9/15/21. Mayor Scott Anderson, Councilmember Dave Cox and City Administrator Leana Kinley were in attendance. The final audit report will be published on 9/23/21 and a copy will be uploaded to the City's website.
There is a Finding related to over reporting of federal awards on the Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (SEFA) due to including match funds on the report. The result was an overstatement on the SEFA of $345,748, which has been corrected. The city has taken steps to correct the issue and its SEFA review process.
8/12/21: The active audit work has been completed. Awaiting recommended changes for a revised 2020 Annual Financial report, the final audit report and exit conference.
7/15/21: The Audit will begin June 28th. They will review three federal contracts and other audit items of focus (yet to receive). Estimate three weeks for in-depth audit work.
4/15/21: Accounting data submitted on April 7th to SAO website after being by council on March 18th. Due to Federal funds received, we need to have the audit completed by the end of August. Project on hold until audit is scheduled.